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Author Guidelines


Authors must submit or submit manuscripts based on the following guidelines:

The editors receive scientific texts relevant to the material and technical goods industry, which come from outside or internally the Central for Material and Technical Goods.
The incoming text can be in the form of research, development and engineering results
The manuscript is original and has never been published in other print media, written in Indonesian or English.
The author is fully responsible for the content of the writing
The editor has the right to change the grammar and layout of the pictures / tables without changing the meaning and content of the writing.
The editor has the right to correct and evaluate his eligibility for publication.


The title is concise, effective and informative, with a maximum of 12 words¸ including conjunctions.
Font Times New Roman 12, with line spacing of 1 space.
The manuscript is accompanied by an author's identity which includes: Author's name without an academic degree (Times New Roman 12 in bold), institutional affiliation of the author, address of the institution, and e-mail (Times New Roman 10, distance of 1 space).
The institutional affiliation of the author follows the place where the person concerned is active.
The author's name and the order of the authors (if more than one author) based on the amount of contribution and participation in conducting research and writing reports, and all authors are responsible for the contents of the manuscript.
Author's Identity

The manuscript is accompanied by an author's identity which includes: Author's name without an academic degree (Times New Roman 12 in bold), institutional affiliation of the author, address of the institution, and e-mail (Times New Roman 10, distance of 1 space).
The institutional affiliation of the author follows the place where the person concerned is active.
The author's name and the order of the authors (if more than one author) based on the amount of contribution and participation in conducting research and writing reports, and all authors are responsible for the contents of the manuscript.
The abstract is written concisely and factually, covering research objectives, research methods, results and conclusions.
Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian, abstract lengths range from 150 - 250 words in one paragraph, Times New Roman 10 letters.

Keywords consist of 3-5 words and / or groups of words.
Words typed in italics (italic), between keywords separated by semicolons (;)

The introduction is written using the Times New Roman 12 large font, spaced 1 spacing and bolded. The contents of the introduction are written using the font Times New Roman 12 pt, straight margin. with spaces below 6 pt.
The introduction should contain research background, related research that has existed, expectations to be achieved from writing, scientific benefits and novelty of writing and the purpose of writing and research methods. Generally the introduction is not too extensive, about 2 pages 1 space;

The results and discussion are written using Times New Roman 12 large font, spaced 1 spacing and bolded. The contents of the results and discussion are written using the font Times New Roman 12 pt, straight margin. with spaces below 6 pt.
The presentations in the results and discussion are written clearly and concisely containing the findings of the study, the difference between the results or findings of the study with the previous writings of other researchers; The discussion contains a description and analysis of the results of the study.
Results and discussion can be combined appropriately or can use small subtitles according to the purpose of the discussion.
Simplify tables and use open tables, and map images are more focused on the object under study and don't be too large in size and complicated (attempted in JPG format); tables and figures are numbered sequentially. Example of writing a table: Table 3.
The reference source citation technique uses bodynote, with APA Style format. For details see examples in the technical provisions of the quote mechanism.

The cover is written using the Times New Roman 12 large font, spaced 1 spacing and bolded. The closing contents are written using the Times New Roman 12 pt font, with a straight margin. with spaces below 6 pt.
Closing contains conclusions that answer the purpose of writing the script, scientific development in accordance with the area of research. its usefulness for publication in journals and the possibility of applying or developing research. Also write suggestions for further research.

Bibliography is written using Times New Roman 12 large font, spaced 1 spacing and bolded.
The literature included in the bibliography only contains sources that are referred to or cited in the manuscript.
Reference sources referred to in the manuscript should refer to one or several scientific journal manuscripts.
Manuscripts should refer to or quote one or more Journal articles.
The technique of writing a bibliography, using the APA Style citation system More can be seen in the technical provisions of bibliography writing.

Quotation Mechanism
The source of the library in the description uses the APA Style format, with the following conditions:

One-person author, write the author's last name, year of publication: citation page. Example: (Kusnawan, 2000: 21) or ... in Kusnawan (2000: 21).
Author of more than one person, write the last name of the first author followed by, year of publication: page. Example: (Muhyiddin,, 2010: 100) or ... according to Muhyiddin,, (2010: 100).
Bibliography Writing
The format of writing a bibliography or bibliography used in this journal is based on the APA Style Guide as an example below:
Muhammad, Afif. 2004. From Theology to Ideology: Study of the Method and Thought of Theology Sayyid Qutb, Bandung: Red Pen Publisher.
Journal article
Solahudin, Dindin. 2007. "ad-Da'wah al-Islāmiyyah fī al-Manzūr al-Insāni" in Da'wah Science: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies, Vol. 3 No. January 9-June 2007.
Fatoni, Uwes. 2013. 2014 Election and Minority Group Communication Crisis. In Proceedings of the ISKI Big National Seminar on Communication, 521-528. Jakarta: Association of Bachelor of Communication in Indonesia.
Dissertation or Thesis
Clancey, W.J. 1979. Transfer of Rule-Based Expertise through a Dialogue Tutorial. PhD Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University.
Electronic Sources
Qomar, ZA, 2006. The Gloomy History of the Muslim Brotherhood, accessed January 30, 2014, from Muslimin / 1542


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The article submission is the result of research, engineering in the field of materials and technical goods that have never been published and or will be published in other print / online publishing media.
  2. Manuscripts must be submitted online through the journal website. The author must log in to submit the manuscript.
  3. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English which is good and true, clear, straightforward, and concise.
  4. Manuscripts of no more than 12 A4-size pages including images and tables, do not contain attachments, are written using an open office text document (.odt) or Microsoft Word (.doc /).

Copyright Notice

The author submitting the manuscript to the editor of the Journal of Material Technology and Technical Goods agrees that the author retains copyright rights and submits the rights to publication to journals under the CC-BY-NC-SA or The Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike License.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.