Evaluasi Ekstrak Daun Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa Sebagai Green Inhibitor pada Korosi Aluminium dalam Larutan Asam dan Basa
Evaluation of karamunting leaf extract as an inhibitor of aluminum corrosion in acid and alkaline solutions was studied using immersion test. The gravimetric method was used to calculate the corrosion rate of aluminum with and without. The results showed that the compounds contained in the karamunting leaf extract were oxygen heteroatom and had double bonds compounds. Based on the results of surface studies with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), the level of aluminum damage with the addition of an inhibitor was lower than that without inhibitor. The addition of inhibitors from karamunting leaf extract can reduce the corrosion rate of aluminum. The efficiency of using the inhibitor was 73.66% in NaOH solution and 80.78% in HCl solution at the highest inhibitor concentration and immersion time variables. Multiple linear regression model was also used in this study to predict the corrosion rate of aluminum.
Evaluasi ekstrak daun karamunting sebagai inhibitor korosi aluminium dalam larutan asam dan basa dipelajari dengan menggunakan uji perendaman. Metode gravimetri digunakan untuk menghitung laju korosi aluminium dengan dan tanpa inhibitor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa senyawa yang terkandung dalam ekstrak daun karamunting merupakan senyawa heteroatom oksigen dan memiliki ikatan rangkap. Berdasarkan hasil studi permukaan dengan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), tingkat kerusakan aluminium dengan penambahan inhibitor lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tanpa inhibitor. Penambahan inhibitor dari ekstrak daun karamunting dapat mengurangi laju korosi aluminium. Efisiensi penggunaan inhibitor adalah 73,66% pada larutan NaOH dan 80,78% pada larutan HCl pada variabel konsentrasi inhibitor dan waktu perendaman tertinggi. Model regresi linier berganda digunakan pula dalam penelitian ini untuk memprediksi laju korosi aluminium.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37209/jtbbt.v10i1.173
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