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Devianto, Hary (Indonesia)
Devianto, Hary, Laboratory of Process Safety and Energetic Electrochemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
Devianto, Hary, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
Dewanto, Bharata, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut-Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
Djuanda, Dagus Remana (Indonesia)
Doloksaribu, Martin, Sekretariat Badan Standardisasi dan Kebijakan Jasa Industri
Fauza, Anna Niska, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
Fauzi, Muhammad Nauval (Indonesia)
Fikri, Agus
Frista, Rhoito (Indonesia)
Ginajar, Hakim
Ginanjar, Galih (Indonesia)
Goeritno, Arief, Electrical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor (Indonesia)
Goeritno, Arief, Electrical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jalan Sholeh Iskandar km.2 Kedungbadak, Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor 16164 (Indonesia)
Gunawan, Alvin (Indonesia)
Hanaldi, Kus (Indonesia)
Harahap, Amelia Anjani, Universitas Islam Indonesia
Harahap, Nurul, Universitas Islam Indonesia
Hasbi, Muhammad Yunan, Research Center for Metallurgy and Materials - Indonesian Institute of Science (Indonesia)
Hasbi, Muhammad Yunan (Indonesia)
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